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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

American Constitution

Is the founding document of the federal government of the United States of America as a supreme law of the country, the oldest written constitution of uninterrupted use in the world.
Establishes the constitution of the U.S. federal government three branches separate the legislative, executive, judicial and regulates the relations between them, also contains provisions designed to ensure individual rights to life and property, freedom of worship and expression. In order to ensure these freedoms, the authors stressed the need for the U.S. Constitution is a limitation of the powers of government authorities, in addition to the equality of all before the law, and guarantees the separation of church and state as a secular state .
Constitution of the United States of America federal constitution; is characterized by the Federal Constitution, that a written constitution, and that the Constitution of rigid inflexible as the law may be amended normally. Due to the great importance of this Constitution, as it shall determine the terms of reference of the central government and the federal parliament, as well as state governments, therefore, all these bodies to respect its provisions without committing a minimum offense to him, require the consent of three fourths of the states on the amendment, after the submission of two-thirds Congres .
The Constitution of the United States and document secular begins with the words "We the people" and not a document contains no mention of the word of God or Christianity, the reference to religion in the Constitution was used to confirm the non-discrimination between citizens on the basis of their beliefs, Paragraph VI of the Constitution provides that no question of a religious test for any person wishing to hold any government job. The text of the first amendment to the Constitution provides that Congress will not in any way existing law legislation on the basis of religion.

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