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Thursday, November 3, 2011

US life

There are 48 inland states and two states away from the rest. Each state is uniquely different in resources and commerce. There are several states whose primary industry is agricultural goods. Many states are more industrial. But each has its own center of commerce. This means that there are a lot of opportunities for those who wish to stay in the USA.
The United States has a federalist style of government. This means that the federal government regulates some areas but leaves other areas completely up to the discretion and leadership of local governments. For the states, this means that regulations and laws pertaining to many areas may be different from state to state. For instance, states may have various speed limits for drivers or different requirements for carrying car insurance on vehicles.
America also has a wide range of cultures. In some ways each state can have its own culture. Many are influenced by their history. For instance in southern Louisiana has a deep influence from their French heritage and it is reflected in its culture and architecture. The thirteen original states are heavily influenced by their unique heritages as well. Each state has its own personality which can be observed simply by driving from one state to another. State to state and region to region are widely different based on the culture and history of that area. One can almost choose what type of culture in which they desire to live.
The landscape of America is just as widely differing as its cultures. There is truly a little bit of everything. The deep south is warm, humid and lined with oceans. Along the northern borders one will find plentiful snow. There are several mountain ranges to enjoy. And there are also several desert ranges to be explored. Pretty much any environment one desires can be found in the USA.
There are two main reasons immigrants choose to move to America, money and freedom. The United States is still one of the leading countries in the economic world. Immigrants find it easy to work within the free enterprise system of the USA and find good success. The freedoms in America make it an appealing place for all.

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